Protests, strikes and traffic regulations are planned for downtown Athens today, Friday March 8, starting from 11:00am until the evening hours, as citizens express their opposition to today’s vote in Greek Parliament that will allow the operation of non-state universities in the country.

Students, teachers and professors have planned a rally today at 12:00 at the Propylaea and will then march to the Greek Parliament in Syntagma square, in the heart of Athens, to demonstrate.

As a result, the Greek police cautions drivers that they should expect the center of Athens to be largely inaccessible as traffic regulations will be enforced in various areas, dependent upon where demonstrators will be congregating throughout the day.

Today’s rallies and mobilizations are supported by a host of Greek associations and are the culmination of country-wide protests and occupations of public education facilities that started at the end of 2023 upon the announcement of the bill.

Currently, 150 schools across Greece are occupied and several university departments have been occupied for nine weeks, disrupting public university classes and exams and forcing professors to administered classes online.

Coincidentally, several trade unions have also organized work stoppages today in honor of International Women’s Day.