Electoral pundits estimate that the main opposition party SYRIZA is on course to slumping to the 4th spot, projecting it will soon be permanently overtaken by center-left party PASOK – currently third based on the June national elections, as well as the Communist (KKKE) party – now 4th-, following the recent Metron Analysis poll conducted on behalf of MEGA channel.

Electoral analyst Andreas Drymiotis reiterated his bold prediction made in 2019 that SYRIZA, a party that had garnered the votes of 36% of the electorate in 2015, would soon collapse to a dismal 6%.

The decline of SYRIZA in consecutive polls was an expected development in the wake of the departure of several high-profile members from the leftist party and the subsequent creation by the splinter group of a separate party in Parliament.

In terms of voting intentions, the findings revealed that the ruling conservative party of New Democracy (ND) leads with 30.5 percent, followed by PASOK with 12.2 percent, holding a two-percentage-point lead over SYRIZA, which stands at 11.2 percent, just one point ahead of the KKE, which gathered 9.2 percent of preferences.

The Metron Analysis poll revealed that the government’s electoral appeal had been negatively impacted in the aftermath of recent tragic events such as fires, floods, and problems in the state’s failure to respond more effectively to natural disasters.

Regarding the question of “who is more suitable for prime minister”, Kyriakos Mitsotakis maintains a clear lead with 41%, followed, interestingly, by “no one” with 31 percent of respondents picking that answer, while other political leaders record single-digit percentages, not exceeding 5 percent.