Ot.gr: Hydrocarbon exploration, exploitation tender will be unveiled upon publication in government gazette; Reports cite Chevron interest
Despite more robust refining margins, Goldman Sachs anticipates several headwinds for Motor Oil and Helleniq Energy
In a briefing with analysts, Helleniq Energy CEO Andreas Shiamishis said the refinery and energy group will finalize the end of its partnership with Edison
The new notes are expected to be listed for trading on the Euro MTF market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
This evolving approach is exemplified in the recent developments surrounding Helleniq Energy, where the Latsis Group, its primary shareholder, reportedly intends to withdraw from the energy sector
3D seismic surveys were conducted in the two offshore blocks west and southwest of Crete by a consortium comprised of ExxonMobil and HelleniQ Energy
Sources disclose that the petroleum companies holding the concessions are seeking partners to jointly invest and share the costs of exploration and drilling.
The two companies currently split ownership of Elpedison 50-50, and will start negotiations on the new shareholder structure from next month
By all accounts, such drilling will focus on exploitable natural gas deposits in Greek waters
The total number of shares to be offered by the two majority shareholders corresponds to roughly 10 percent of the refinery group’s equity
According to reports, the latest tranche of HelleniQ shares will be listed on ATHEX by the end of the year, thereby increasing the already traded petrochemical concern’s free float percentage
Bulgaria was given a break on Russia oil sanctions in a bid to help citizens, but some say Russia profited on the derogation