Asked about Ex-German chancellor Angela Merkel, central banker Stournaras said that 'in the end she played a very significant role in rescuing Greece'
The latest repayment is expected to reduce the overall debt and improve the country’s creditworthiness, as Greece has now returned to investment-grade status.
The forecast was included in the D.C.-based Fund’s Fiscal Monitor report on global fiscal developments
According to Eurostat, Greece recorded the second largest reduction on a year-to-year (YTY) basis at -8.9 pp
This subsequent debt repayment is expected to be completed by Sept. 2025, with an amount of at least 5 billion euros.
Public sector debts to private entities have once again increased in Greece, reaching 3.2 billion euros in July 2024
An IMF report cites a 30-percentage-point decrease in the GDP-to-debt ratio due to continued economic growth, inflation and a 2018 debt relief agreement
At the same time, the formerly bailed east Mediterranean country records the biggest decrease in debt-to-GDP, on a quarterly basis
Greek Prime Minister cited an early repayment of eight billion euros in bailout loans, which Bloomberg said corresponds to three years of installments
Meanwhile, the primary surplus at the end of the third quarter amounted to €3.31 billion, based on ELSTAT data, according to ESA (European System of National and Regional Accounts).