The first settlement was made up of 9 transport ships and 2 small war ships led by Governor Arthur Phillip. Phillip brought about 850 convicts from England along with their guards and officers and was tasked with establishing a permanent community.
Other notable events on January 26th:
In 2001, a massive earthquake hits near Bhuj, Gujarat, India killing about 20,000 and injuring over 160,000 people.
In 1950, India achieves full independence from Great Britain and becomes a republic.
In 1905, the “Cullinan Diamond”, the largest in the world, weighing 3106.75 carats (621.35 g) and costing approx. 2 billion dollars, is found in South Africa.
In 1837, Michigan becomes the 26th state of the Union.

From a souvenir supplement to the Sydney Daily Telegraph dated February 9, 1938 which celebrates 150 years of European settlement in Australia from the landing of the First Fleet in 1788.