The air in Greece will be crisp and a bit cooler today than last week, and skies over Greece will be mostly clear and sunny.

After weeks of southerly winds which brought warm weather and stifling levels of African dust, winds have shifted and will come from the north, bringing with them cooler temperatures.

The weather will be clear today throughout most of Greece, although the southeastern parts of the Aegean and Crete will be cloudy.

The temperature will reach 25 degrees Celsius and the winds will blow from the north ranging between a gentle 4 to windy 8 Beaufort.

In Attica the weather will be clear, with the temperatures cooler than the past week, ranging between 12 – 22 degrees and the winds between 4 – 7 Beaufort.

Thessaloniki will have similar weather with temperatures between 11 – 23 degrees and the winds a more gentle 2 – 4 Beaufort.

Always come prepared with To Vima’s Weather in Greece