According to Reuters, the removal of land border controls comes nearly a year after air and sea travel restrictions were lifted in March 2024.
The Commission’s action follows an alarming and unexpected victory of far-right, Pro Russian candidate, Calin Georgescu, in Romania's first round of presidential elections.
According to Reuters, the protests outside the Parliament in Georgia saw demonstrators building barricades, breaking windows, and setting off fireworks. Riot police responded with water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowd.
Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Russian forces continue their offensive, targeting villages in the industrial Donbas region and launching airstrikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure as winter intensifies.
The defense minister also visited the Greek frigate Spetsai, which is participating in Operation ASPIDES, while in the port of Djibouti.
The more egalitarian, redistributive club competitions that exist in the U.S. are starting to be copied across the Atlantic
The total figure earmarked for natural disaster relief by the European Solidarity Fund amounts to over €1 billion.
More specifically, in Greece, last year alone, one in four cigarettes smoked by consumers was trafficked illegally
Today, the Council of Europe has expanded to include 46 member states
Mitsotakis reiterated that Greece would stand by Moldova as it faced "many geopolitical challenges following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”
Other EU member-states with top bathing waters included Croatia, Cyprus, and Austria
To address these issues, Mitsotakis proposes legislative action at the EU level to effectively tackle the policy of Territorial Supply Constraints (TSC) where not justified by objective factors.
Speaking about price fairness by multinationals, the Prime Minister emphasized: Europe should also mean similar or uniform prices for the products sold by our multinationals
EU citizens are eager to vote in the upcoming elections for the European Parliament in June, with eight in 10 saying the current geopolitical situation makes voting imperative
The survey also indicates that the majority of Europeans (47%) maintain a positive perception of the EU, with 21% expressing negativity and 30% neutrality.
The European Health Data Space agreement is expected to improve healthcare services in the EU and make data more accessible for research and public health efforts
Buses on EU roads average 12.7 years, with Romanian buses being the oldest (over 20 years) and only eight member-states having fleets younger than 10 years old
With eight awards across seven categories, including Best Organic Farmer (female and male), Best Organic Region, Best Organic City, and more, these accolades celebrate excellence in the organic industry.
The Bruegel Institute said only one in two individuals in the European Union, on average, was financially knowledgeable.
I wonder how many conversations and confessions accompanied by a glass of ouzo the tables of the “Ellinikon” have overheard in the almost 30 years since this Greek restaurant opened its doors in Brussels? Close but not too close, some 500 meters from the Commission and the Council, it has long been the favored hangout […]