The dismissals took place over the past 3 years for delaying, reports state, the issuance of decisions and verdicts in a timely manner, a long-standing problem plaguing Greece's s legal system
The provision is included in a justice ministry omni-bus draft bill dealing with domestic violence, violence against woman and combatting criminality, in general
The proposed criminal code revision would require mandatory detention of a defendant accused of a serious felony while out on bail for similar charges
The Athens Bar Association's action is against high-profile judicial reforms aimed to speed up the wheels of Greece's often creaky, at times glacial justice system
Greek Justice Minister Giorgos Floridis also dismissed opposition criticism of a decision to prohibit the broadcast of trials over the Internet
The initiative comes amid continuing public debate and intense media scrutiny of several instances of particularly egregious cases of domestic violence over the recent period
Only six out of the 21 defendants in the case were found guilty in the 2018 Mati wildfire trial
The lawyers’ associations in Greece are opposed to portions of a forthcoming draft bill envisioning revisions in the penal and civil law codes
The draft legislation comes in response to heated debate in the east Mediterranean country over rising crime rates, lenient sentencing and a wholly inefficient parole system