Last Summer, 2023 (L’Été dernier)

Still frame from the movie ” Last Summer”
Catherine Breillat’s erotic drama explores the taboo surrounding the relationship that unfolds between a stepmother and her 17-year-old stepson. Léa Drucker, portrays Anne, a successful lawyer who leads a happy life in Paris along with her husband Pierre and their two young daughters, until Theo, Pierre’s son from a previous marriage moves in with them. Anne, unsettled by Theo’s presence, soon sees her career and family life put in danger.
Director: Catherine Breillat
Cast: Léa Drucker, Olivier Rabourdin, Samuel Kircher, Clotilde Courau
Language: French (The film is screened with Greek subtitles)
IMDB rating: 6.3/10
Production country: France
Where to watch: Asty cinema
The Rapture, 2023 (Le ravissement )
Lydia is a dedicated midwife who finds herself in the midst of a breakup when her close friend Salomé reveals she’s pregnant. Things take a weird turn when one unexpected day Lydia crosses paths with Milo, a past one-night stand, while she’s holding her friend’s newborn in her arms.
Director: Iris Kaltenbäck
Cast: Hafsia Herzi, Alexis Manenti, Nina Meurisse
Language: French (The film is screened with Greek subtitles)
IMDB rating: 7/10
Production country: France
Where to watch: Astor cinema, The Greek Film Archive, Athina cinema, Cinemax (Nirvana, Kifissia, Nana), Diana cinema, Cinerama digital cinema, Anoixi Art cinema, Cineac Municipal cinema
Abigail (2024)
A gang of aspiring criminals abducts the 12-year-old daughter of a prominent underworld figure. Their scheme to demand ransom goes off course when they realize that their young captive is no ordinary little girl. The movie draws inspiration from and offers a reimagining of the 1936 Universal Classic Monsters film Dracula’s Daughter.
Director: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
Cast: Melissa Barrera, Dan Stevens, Kathryn Newton, Will Catlett, Kevin Durand,
Language: English
IMDB rating: 7/10
Production country: United States
Where to watch: Athinaion cinema, Aigli 3D digital cinema, Village cinemas (The Mall, Pangrati, Rentis, Metro Mall), Tria Asteria 3D digital cinema, Cinemax (Aello, Nana), Cinerama digital cinema, Anoixi Art cinema,Lampros Konstantaras Movie Theatre, Foivos digital cinema, WestCity cinemas, Options cinemas (Ilion, Glyfada), Artemis Municipal cinema, Zea cinema
Civil War (2024)
Taking place in the near future amidst a civil conflict across America, Alex Garland’s dystopic thriller tracks the journey of a group of journalists racing against the clock to reach Washington, D.C. before rebel factions besiege the White House.
Director: Alex Garland
Cast: Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley Henderson
Language: English
IMDB rating: 7.6/10
Production countries: United Kingdom, United States
Where to watch: Cinobo Opera, Mikrokosmos cinema, Athinaion cinema, Aigli 3D digital cinema, Cinemax (Kifissia, Aello, Nana), Village cinemas (The Mall, Pangrati, Metro Mall, Rentis), Tria Asteria 3D digital cinema,Sporting digital cinema, Anoixi Art cinema, Lampros Konstantaras Movie Theatre, Foivos digital cinema, WestCity cinemas, Maria Elena Onar digital cinema, Options cinemas (Ilion, Glyfada), Cineac Municipal cinema, Artemis Municipal cinema
Sea Sparkle (2023)
Under mysterious circumstances, a North Sea fisherman perishes at sea, prompting whispers of blame directed at the captain. Despite widespread suspicion, Lena, his teenage daughter is determined to prove that the ships did not go down by accident and that instead, a huge, unknown sea creature is roaming the deep.
Director: Domien Huyghe
Cast: Saar Rogiers, Hilde De Baerdemaeker, Valentijn Dhaenens, Sverre Rous, Dunia Elwaleed, Thibaud Dooms
Language: Dutch, Croatian, English, Flemish
IMDB rating: 6.6/10
Production countries: Belgium, Netherlands (The film is screened with Greek subtitles)
Where to watch: Elli cinema, Cinemax (Nana)
Lie with Me, 2022 (Arrête avec tes mensonges)
Renowned novelist Stéphane Belcourt returns to his hometown of Cognac after an absence of 35 years to assist in promoting a distillery. During his visit, he encounters Lucas, the son of his secret teenage romance. Lucas’s curiosity about his deceased parent stirs up tumultuous emotions and a flood of memories to the writer.
Director: Olivier Peyon
Cast: Guillaume de Tonquédec, Victor Belmondo, Guilaine Londez, Jérémy Gillet, Julien de Saint-Jean
Language: French (The film is screened with Greek subtitles)
IMDB rating: 7.6/10
Production country: France
Where to watch: Cinobo Opera, Galaxias cinema, Avana cinema, Cinemax (Kifissia, Nana), Alexandra Patission, Sporting digital cinema