Greece’s public order minister on Tuesday essentially announced an investigation into the actions of police officers at a northwest Athens precinct where a 28-year-old woman was fatally stabbed by an ex-boyfriend and stalker moments after exiting the station a day earlier.

The victim had sought police protection at the Aghii Anargyri precinct, only to be told that no police vehicle was available to take her safely home. Instead, she was stabbed from behind while calling the emergency “100” number.

In statements a day after the shocking murder, Citizens’ Protection Minister, Michalis Chrysohoidis said more than 17,000 police officers have been trained to deal with domestic violence, with set protocols in place.

“When such an incident reaches police, there are very explicit protocols that a police officer follows in order to deal with the incident, as they are trained for such. Therefore, what needs to be investigated is the degree in which these (protocols) were followed,” he said, in announcing the probe into the police failure.