Specifically, from Jan. to Aug. 2024, the central government recorded a cash surplus of 1.368 billion euros, compared to a deficit of 964 million euros in the same period of 2023.
The performance was almost double the target of 3.316 billion euros
Greek state budget deficit for January-July 2024 amounted to €121 million, significantly lower than the target of €3.745 billion
The central government posted a primary balance surplus of 2.9 billion euros in January-June 2024 period, up from 1.519 billion euros in H1 2023, the Bank of Greece (BoG) announced on Wednesday. Specifically, Greece’s central bank said the central government cash balance posted a deficit of 1.558 billion euros in the January-June 2024 period, compared […]
Value Added Tax (VAT) revenues reached 5.876 billion euros, down by 16 million euros compared to the target.
Greek debt saw a slight dip to 356.7 billion euros by the end of 2023, down from 356.8 billion euros a year prior
This is up from a target of 2.133 billion euros over the same period last yeat, and compared to a primary surplus of 3.079 billion in the corresponding quarter last year
For the January-February 2024 period, state budget net revenues totaled 12.648 billion euros
The surplus was attributed primarily to improvements in the secondary income balance and, to a lesser extent, the services balance
The primary surplus on a modified cash basis amounted to 3.401 billion euros, compared to a target primary surplus of 1.981 billion euros
For the 11-month term January-November of 2023 it recorded a surplus of €17.895,5 million, the data revealed
Net tax revenues including rebates recorded an increase of €337 million for the twelve months, exceeding the set targets. This rise was mainly attributed to the revenues in November but was offset by an increase in payments by the Public Investment Program by €362 million compared to the targets.
Up from surplus target of 3.771 billion euros, and primary deficit of 1.091 billion euros reported over corresponding period in 2022.
BoG interim report forecasts 2.5% growth rate in 2024, 2025
The state budget in Greece posted a primary surplus of 6.08 billion euros in the January-October 2023 period, up from a target surplus of 5.607 billion and a primary deficit of 350 million euros in the corresponding period last year, according to a finance ministry report, released on Monday, regarding budget execution on an amended […]
The country’s central bank said cash result of central administration posted a surplus of 93 million euros