The trade deficit amounted to 4.6 billion euros, up by 340 million euros from the same period last year.
The primary source of concern is the new president’s stated intention to impose general import tariffs of 10% to 20% to boost local employment in the U.S.
A report by the Athens-based Institute for Alternative Policies (ENA) counters the government’s narrative, saying Greece is last in the EU in terms of investments per GDP percentage
Clear, aniseed-flavored ouzo continues to lead all other Greek spirits in terms of export value and quantity. First-half 2024 results show that ouzo accounts for 59% of the former and 71% of the latter. Germany remains the biggest consumer of ouzo worldwide, accounting for 43% of the liquor’s exports from Greece, according to recent figures […]
The Greek sector outpaced its European competition—both in quantity and monetary value—with the latter experiencing a dip in monetary value of -7.5% over the same period.