The European elections are a painless process in themselves, but this time round they paved the way for an electoral contest that could seriously disrupt European democracy. President Macron has called a general election, the French are voting in the first round today, and the latest polls show a clear lead for the unrepentant far-right […]
The Russian leader is all but guaranteed to win, but the Kremlin is seeking a large turnout to anchor his next six years in power
Millions are expected to boycott Friday’s election in protest of government crackdowns and a worsening economy
Deceptive videos, audio and images are more sophisticated, easier to make as tech industry wrestles with how to keep up
The 19th edition of The Global Risks Report was published in the wake of the World Economic Forum in Davos and brings together the ten most serious short-term global risks in order of severity. At the top were misinformation and disinformation. These two concepts are sure to be a concern in 2024, a bumper year […]
Former Prime Minister Imran Khan is barred from running and in jail, as are many members of his opposition party
Postal voting, which will be available in the European elections for the first time this coming June, is a new procedure for the Greek authorities to administer. However, for members of the Greek diaspora who live in the US, it will seem far more familiar than one might imagine. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Another 135 deputies of the main opposition and lesser opposition parties, ranging from the Communist Party (KKE) to the ultra-right Spartiates (Spartans), voted against
Allowing Greek citizens abroad the right to vote from their permanent or temporary residence has the ability to completely alter for the better the relationship between the Diaspora with the Greek state.
The draft legislation will give all registered voters the right to vote by mail-in ballot, whether they live in Greece or abroad.
Ahead of Davos summit, World Economic Forum survey sees concern shifting toward technological perils and away from the economy
"Taylor Swift, last September, made a plea on social media to young Americans to register to vote. The day after her post, 35,000 new Americans had registered to vote."
Every living organism mobilizes its immune system in response to external invasions and threats. Failure to do so indicates a system that is in decline and nearing the end of its life cycle. A reaction, even if it fails to cure the system, indicates that the system is functional and alert. In political terms, the […]
In order to acquire the right to vote by mail, a Greek citizen must register on a specific online platform using their personal tax bureau codes
President Tshisekedi is front-runner in poll plagued by delays, conflict; ‘I would have loved to vote’