The ruling New Democracy (ND) party fields a 13%-point lead over PASOK, which is now entrenched in second place in all opinion poll results over the recent period, in the latest poll released on Wednesday evening.

The poll, conducted by the Realpolls firm, has three parties – the Communist Party (KKE), and the right-wing Elliniki Lysi and Foni Logikis parties – tied in third place.

One formidable SYRIZA falls to sixth place in the latest poll, continuing its downward spiral, with its former leader, Stefanos Kasselakis, at 5.1% with his newly established Movement of Democracy party.

The poll was conducted between Dec. 4 and Dec. 7 on a sample of 2,289 respondents over the age of 17 and with a right to vote in a general election.

Asked which party they would vote for if an election was held on Sunday, 26.4% of respondents picked center-right New Democracy (ND), followed by 13.4% for PASOK.

KKE, Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution), and Foni Logikis (Voice of Reason) are given 5.9%, slightly higher than leftist SYRIZA, at 5.7%. Additionally, 14.5% of respondents said they were undecided, along with 1.5% declining to answer.

The high cost of living, cited by 45.1% of respondents, was deemed the biggest problem facing society in the opinion poll, followed by the national healthcare system, 31.7%, and “low wages,” 27.4%.