Latest incident north of Crete, in international waters, has a lone Turkish corvette monitoring two maritime vessels, including the Ievoli, conducting research for the GSI project
Nikos Dendias: Greece exercised its rights in the Ionian Sea under UNCLOS provisions
Any EEZ progress would be based on 'international law', require stable Syria government, Minister Uraloğlu clarified; sharp 'unofficial' reaction in Athens
Nikos Dendias reiterated Aegean islands' rights under UNCLOS, during remembrance events on the occasion of the sinking of the destroyer Vasilissa Olga and HMS Intrepid in the Leros' harbor of Lakki on Sept. 26, 1943
What Ankara claims as 'Turkish EEZ' is anything farther than 6NM from Kasos, despite nearest Turkish territory being up to scores of nautical miles away
'Blue Homeland' joined by 'Newspeak' moniker of 'Sea of Islands' and fantastical 'Sky Homeland'. Most recent nationalist neologism cites 'Space Homeland'
The Greek government, along with Egypt and the EU, expressed outrage at the time over the agreement
If the announcement materializes, it would be the first direct back-tracking by the Erdogan administration amid a recent rapprochement between Greece and Turkey