Greece remained a top destination for the large European markets, according to data released by the Bank of Greece (BoG) on tourism.
The Mediterranean country held its position in 2024 on the top five list for German and French tourists, ranking 3rd and 4th respectively, similar to 2023, while British travelers also placed as their 5th favorite destination, although it has dropped two spots to 5th place.
These three countries accounted for 42% of Greece’s total tourism revenue in 2023, according to the Bank of Greece’s figures.
The findings are based on the latest study by the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE), titled “The Greece Brand: How Attractive is Greece as a Tourist Destination? A Comparison with Competing Mediterranean Destinations.” The first part of the study focuses on Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain.
The Spanish, who have a smaller share of arrivals and revenue in Greek tourism, rank Greece 7th among their preferred destinations for the next 12 months. This ranking makes sense, as Spain’s tourism product shares many similarities with Greece’s. As expected, the two most popular destinations in all three major markets for incoming tourism to Greece are Spain and Italy, with the ranking varying depending on the market. For the Spanish, the top two destinations are Italy and France.
The study is based on research conducted by GWI in two waves in 2024 and two in 2023, focusing on travelers’ preferences regarding potential destinations over the next 12 months, including the key summer months for Greek tourism.
Top 5 Destinations by Market In detail, the top five countries travelers from the studied markets are considering for the next 12 months are:
For Germans: Italy (29.1%), Spain (28.5%), Greece (20.3%), Austria (18.4%), France (17.4%). It should be noted that Italy, France, and Austria share borders with Germany, facilitating easy road access. For the French: Spain (31.4%), Italy (21.6%), Portugal (16.6%), Greece (12.9%), UK (11.8%). Italy and Spain share borders with France, offering convenient road access. For the UK: Spain (34.1%), Italy (22.2%), France (20.0%), USA (19.8%), Greece (19%). For the Spanish: Italy (29.7%), France (23.8%), Portugal (20.6%), UK (15.0%), USA (11.8%). Portugal and France share borders with Spain, making them easily accessible by road.