The Greek government is proceeding with publication of an international open tender for the exploration and exploitation of subterranean minerals in the northern portion of the eastern Aegean Island of Chios (Hios), and specifically for antimony.

According to a decree signed by the relevant deputy minister of environment and energy, Alexandra Sdoukou, the tender will take place in two phases, with the first fielding expressions of interest (non-binding offers) until March 10, 2025. Offers that meet set criteria will be selected to continue.

The second phase of the tender will include a call for binding offers, expected in the second quarter of 2025, for allocating exploration and exploitation lease rights in a nine-square-kilometer tract of public land in the island’s north.

A five-year period for exploration and an up to 30-year concession for exploitation of whatever discovered deposits is stipulated in the tender.

According to, the tender, according to the ministry, includes strict environmental protection conditions, requirements for job creation benefitting local residents, remittances for the local municipality and a comprehensive corporate and social responsibility program.